Design and Engineering

We design complete processing systems for the fruit and vegetable industry. Whether you are starting from scratch and are looking for a complete new line or are looking for a new piece or several new pieces of equipment that will need to be integrated into your existing setup we can help. One of our sales or design staff will come and take site measurements of both the building and existing equipment to be integrated and provide the client with a complete 3D model of the area as well as plan, side and end view dimensioned drawings
Shown is an example from a customer that was merging two existing locations into one new central location. During this process much new equipment was required to improve product flow and efficiencies. We visited both existing sites and measured up all the existing pieces of equipment. The client provided us with blue prints of the new location and some basic information such as the equipment location requirements.
We then proceeded to draw the new building and existing equipment and provided the client with drawings of the new layout. After several discussions the new equipment required was determined and a complete layout of the new location was provided. The customer could now use the information provided to determine electrical, plumbing, and waste water management requirements for the new location.